70% water savings? How is that possible?

As mentioned in '5 Steps to resolve / prevent Water Crisis at your home' post, reducing the flow of Tapwater can save immense amount of water and the calculations are as follows:

On an average, a household uses 1000 litres per day.

  • 20% (i.e 200 litres) goes into washing utensils
  • 5% (i.e 50 litres) goes into brushing teeth, washing hands, face etc in the basin

We, actually, don’t need 250 Litres! We need just 100-150 Litres. The remaining gets wasted, because the flow of water is more than necessary and we don’t close the tap – while :

  1. Scrubbing the utensils
  2. Brushing teeth
  3. Applying soap or liquid in hands / face

Its difficult to inform our guests, maids or even ourselves – to close the tap or keep it half open!

2 best ways to solve this :

1.Turn Valve to Half (Cost : NIL) – If you have an existing valve below the kitchen / wash basin, keep it half open. You can visibly see the difference

2. Flow Reducers (Cost : Minimum INR 100 per piece) – Installing the Flow Reducers is the best solution! After thorough review, I bought Eco 365 and did a small experiment at home.

Keeping the water force necessary in mind, determined the flow rate :

  1. Tap (with Full Valve open) : 10 Litres per min
  2. Tap (with Half Valve open) : 5.4 Litres per min (46% savings)
  3. Tap (with Full Valve open & with Eco 365) : 3 Litres per min (70% savings and matches their specifications)


  1. Read through Eco 365's different Flow Reducers and check if it suits your Kitchen/Basin tap.
  2. If it doesn’t suit your Kitchen tap, check for Kitchen Sprinklers and decide based on reviews.

By doing the above steps, you save 100 Litres a day –> 3000 Litres a month (3 days of water is saved in a month).

Implement at your home and spread the awareness!


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